This is not a mission article :) Suggestions for administration |

Published in Croatia - Warfare analysis - 9 - 09 Aug 19 04:40

Dear players,

i have an idea how to improve abilities. You can also comment and maybe we can find even better solutions together :)

1. Sniper... Sniper works just fine (i used it for months), only problem is that it is triggered randomly. I got the feeling it was working the same when i had 100 ability points and when i had 1500... So, higher ability points should give you something in return, right? maybe at 1k ability points you could get a on/off button for your sniper ability. Maybe at 2k points you would get some random *crit* ability that will double your dmg when ability got triggered or something like that... 

2. medic. Made 8k hits and got one adrenaline. This just isnt enough... otherwise, last known formula seemed good to me :)

3. artillery... my first choice but i changed it when i saw how it works... It would be usefull if you could get some crit hits accordingly to your ability points... for example at 500 points you enable your crit chance to 30% if ability gets triggered, at 1000 points 50%, at 1500 points 60% and so on... but this crit has to be 100% of your hit... not this baby dmg it gives now... it would get attractive on this way. NOw it is totally unusefull... i mean it isok to get more dmg, but this baby extra dmg just isnt attractive at all.

4. Destroyer... destroyer should have ability not to get effected by defence systems. So any destroyer should have his full dmg even when he shoots against DS... if he destroys it, he should get some bonus dmg for fixed time (10 minutes -100% bonus dmg for example) but what to do with ability points? Higher the points easier to destroy DS?

It would also be great we could trade ability tokens... maybe put it in the store for 5 € - 5 pcs and give a possibility to trade them on the market...

Ok, im done for now :)

Please comment 



Kubat PultevBosniakTurkBosniakTurkBosniakTurkAirDestroyerAirDestroyerAdminBorKhaneMaced0nEl Grecosone

Comments (9)

09 Aug 19 04:46


09 Aug 19 04:51
Kubat Pultev

I agree with your suggestions, maybe I will add some cooldown for using the abilities tokens. So for example, if you change into a sniper, you cannot change again before 1 week

09 Aug 19 04:58

Nice suggestions bro, well done. But about tokens well I have to disagree it should be hard to change abilities. Making characters with specific skills should be more important. You cant ask a lawyer to draw plans for a building after all.

09 Aug 19 05:06
whisky warrior

tokens should give them money to keep the server without adds ;) thats why i would put them in store... Noobita has a point... it should have cooldown time, so you couldnt switch all abilities in a day :D

09 Aug 19 06:28


09 Aug 19 08:33
virus jack

imas tokene vec u storeu u packovima,barem je bilo po 10 tokena za kupit,za artiljeriju se slazem,to je baby bljuc a ne artiljerija.Za sve abilite je lose ovo kaj treba 30k hitova tako da se to moze koristiti u 2 bitke dnevno i to samo ako je ozbiljan rat pa nemaju nikakvog smisla ni efekta.Mozda bolje da bude za svaki abiliti power token kojim ce se ukljucivat a kojeg se moze dobiti u kutijama npr....i dalje igra ima velikih problema sa optimiuacijom stranice,ne vidi se dio desne strane ekrana pa u MU nema tipke bori se kada DO postavis itd.

09 Aug 19 09:40
whisky warrior

Imas tokene u storeu u skupljim paketima. Kada bi bio neki mali pack po 5 eura samo za tokene bi se vjerojatno prodavao... smanjili su na 20k hitova sto je ok pod uvjetom da ability bude popravljen na neki nacin u skladu sa ovime kaj sam napisao. Za ostale bugove se slazem

09 Aug 19 21:51

Make medic great again!

10 Aug 19 03:05
