Day 1_안내글 번역 |

Published in South Korea - First steps in eDominations - 3 - 26 Apr 17 07:06

Welcome to eDominations!
이도미네이션에 온 것을 환영합니다!

If you were searching for a place to have fun and where you can test your skills of economic thinking, diplomacy and military strategy - then search no more - you came to the right place!
당신의 경제, 정치, 군사 능력을 시험해보거나 즐길 곳을 찾고있다면, 잘 오셨습니다. 

In our world you can be everything you want - from a shady businessman to a political figure and military leader, fighting to conquer your enemies or defend your national borders. There are no limits on your gaming activity - you can write newspaper articles in the morning and join the battle at night - at the end, it all depends on how you want to play.
당신은 공장주(shady businessman)이나 정치인이나 적들을 무찌르고 조국을 지키는 군사적 리더, 무엇이든 될 수 있습니다. 아침에 기사를 쓰고 밤에 싸우는 등 당신이 원하는 만큼 활동할 수 있습니다.

The most important part of our game is that you, as a player, are part of your country community. Every country is based and build by the players in it - players elect their own leaders as Presidents and Congress Members. People also ensure their national treasury profits and wellbeing with their activity. Each country has its own territory, which can expand depending on citizens activity. It can be in order to gain more natural resources that the country industry needs or... for glory!
가장 중요한 것은 당신은 나라의 일원이라는 것입니다. 모든 나라는 플레이어들로 구성되어 있고 만들어집니다. 플레이어들은 대통령과 국회의원을 뽑습니다. 그 사람들은 또한 국가의 이익을 보장합니다. 모든 나라는 자국의 영토를 가지며 시민들의 활동에 의해 넓어질 수 있습니다. 국가 산업이나 영광을 위해 자원을 더 얻기 위해서 영토를 넓힐 수도 있습니다.

Of course, there are many other ways of earning gold - by political and media activity players can win political and media mogul medals. One of the best ways to earn medals is by inviting players - every player bring you 10% of his profits from levels, medals and gold purchases, and every time a player invited by you reach level 20, you win also Society Builder medal and 5 gold.
물론 정치, 언론 메달처럼 골드를 얻는 다른 방법도 있습니다. 가장 좋은 방법은 플레이어들을 초대하는 것입니다. 당신이 데려온 사람들은 레벨업, 메달, 골드 구매마다 10%를 당신에게 줍니다. 그리고 그 사람들이 20레벨이 되면 5골드와 Society Builder 메달을 줍니다.
(골드를 살 때도 10퍼가 추천인에게 가는건 여기만 그런건가요..)

Our additional mission is also connected exactly with this - for each invited player you will receive also a special box with random awards of food, energy drinks and different types of weapons.
초대된 플레이어들은 빵, 에너지바, 무기가 랜덤으로 들어있는 박스를 받게됩니다.
For the first 20 days of our game the Training Grounds upgrade will be limited - so in this period, every registered player have the chance of equal start while communities form. From Day 20 the Training Grounds will be upgradable.

처음 20일 동안 훈련소 업그레이드는 제한 될것입니다. 그러므로 이 기간동안 가입한 모든 플레이어들은 사회가 구성될때까지 동등한 위치에서 시작하는 기회를 가집니다. 20일부터 훈련소 업그레이드가 가능해집니다.

Don t forget to follow your first missions too because they will provide you some good training about the mechanics of eDominations and will give you some starting awards of experience, food, and weapons!
미션들을 깨면 eDominaitions에 대해 더 잘 알게되고, 경험치와 빵과 무기를 받으면서 시작하게 됩니다.

We are also looking for players who wish to help eDominations with some tasks, which would make this game better and more welcoming for new players. Those tasks, of course, will be rewarded with gold from Administration.
- We need a player who can make game play video in English. Video needs to be around 5-10 minutes long and to explain game stuff, such as how to train, work, how markets and battlefields work and etc. The reward for this task is 150 gold. 
For more info feel free to contact admin Tyrael. 
또한 우리는 eDominations를 도와줄 플레이어들을 찾고있습니다. 이 게임을 더 훌륭하고 새로운 플레이어들을 맞이할 사람들을 찾습니다. 물론 이 일들은 골드로 보상받게 됩니다. 우리는 영어로 비디오를 만들 수 있는 플레이어를 찾습니다. 비디오는 5-10분 정도로, 훈련,일,시장,전쟁 등 게임에 대하여 설명하는 영상입니다. 영상을 만들면 150Gold를 얻게됩니다. (ㅎㄷㄷ)

- We have succeeded to translate the game in plenty of languages, which you can see in your Settings menu, and we also work on more such, but for some languages, we need people who wish to help us. Native speakers would be the best option for us, and the language we need are: german, hungarian, japanese, chinese, indonesian, danish, norwegian, finnish and estonian. For fully made translation active into game award is 100 gold. 
For more info feel free to contact admin Immortal .
우리는 다양한 언어로 이 게임을 번역했습니다. (한국 완료 - 생략)

And for last, but not less important - our memory is not short and we have not forgotten all the help we received from our BETA server testers - and it never will. 
베타 테스터들 고맙습니다.

To honor this and of course, make sure it is impossible to be forgotten, we will award every participant in BETA test servers with a special medal for your profiles.
베타 테스터들에게 특별한 메달을 주었습니다.

Feel free to write to admin Immortal for it. 
For players with special support, such as reporting fixed bugs, giving quality suggestion articles and helping game development there will also have awards.
자유롭게 관리자 Immortal( 에게 이야기하세요.
버그를 찾거나 좋은 기사를 쓰거나 게임 발전에 도움을 주는 플레이어들도 역시 보상을 줍니다.

For any information which you could need for your adventure, you can also check our Wikipedia.
당신의 모험을 위한 정보를 찾는다면 위키피디아를 보세요.
Needless to say, you are invited to follow or contact us for more information on:
- Our official game Discord channel.
- Our official Facebook page.
- Our official Twitter account.
- Our official e-mail contact: [email protected]
- Our Support desk.

생략한 부분이 꽤 많지만 한 번 써봤습니다 o7


Comments (3)

26 Apr 17 07:09

Voted :)

26 Apr 17 07:45

Jesus loves this article.

26 Apr 17 07:55
Shao Han

@warrior thanks :) @Jesus God bless me wow