eDominations Wikipedia

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Quests |

Published in Luxembourg - First steps in eDominations - 2 - 17 Nov 19 06:44

- Quests -

When you visit homepage after log in the game , you will have a chance to randomly be assigned a quest. If you are assigned with a quest the following dialogue will pop-up , where you will be asked whether you accept or not to try and complete that quest. After completing the quest you will be able to collect the rewards from that page.

In case you cancel the quest you were given ,  you won’t be eligible to be randomly assigned with a quest for the next 3 hours. After that cooldown expires, browsing at home page might give you a new one.

A really important note is the following. If you finish successfully a quest in time or you failed the quest (timer ran out of time) you should click the Finish button not only to claim rewards , but also to be eligible for new random quests. In case you don’t want random quests to appear in your home page, you can accept a quest and then just avoid clicking finish button.


Comments (2)

08 Jan 20 17:56


07 May 20 12:51

Penso che le quest vadano migliorate appaiono allimprovviso e non si ha la possibilità di selezionarle