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My Country - Administration Panel (Administration + Laws) |

Published in Luxembourg - First steps in eDominations - 0 - 17 Nov 19 10:20

- My Country / Administration Panel -

- My Country

This panel is one of the most important pages in the game. We will analyze in detail the pages you can access to administrate your country in the best possible way. A lot of important statistics for every positive aspect. You are able to choose different countries at the top right corner, find out their statistics and compare with your country!

- Society

The first tab you will meet is Society. You are able to see how many active citizens a country has, how many new citizens joined there and which regions this country occupies at the moment. Most importantly you will find the VIEW REQUESTS button and ONLINE NOW buttons.

View Requests : You will be to a new page which will include active citizenship change applications! Citizens from all around the world want to join your country, they have to send an application first! At the next tab you are able to see accepted citizenship requests and citizen who had authority and accepted their request.

Online now : You are able to monitor activity of citizens of a specific country there. It is very important for more experienced players so they can calculate the enemy damage in order to rush a battle. 

- Judge

Judge is a special role in the game. A citizens can get elected every month to be the Judge of its country. That citizen is able to propose some special laws, which no other citizen has authority to do so. If your country has elected a citizen as Judge you will find it there. Also the active Laws that Judge proposed and got voted.

- Economy

This is the most important tab for the Economy of a country. Governor of every country should keep an eye to those statistics daily. 
First of all you will find the Country Treasury, where taxation like VAT, Import Tax, Work Tax and 5% of companies upgrades goes. Those Golds and Currencies are property of the nation and locked there unless a Donate Law is proposed to Country President. Those funds are used to cover expenses of Country, such as Declare War or Mutual Protection Pact laws. We will analyze the available laws below in the last tab of Country Administration. Citizens of Level 25 or higher are able to donate to the Country Treasury.

The next charts you will see is Daily Tax revenue for the last 7 days of the game. This will help you understand visually what is the income of your nation thanks to taxation. Think of new tax strategies to make sure your income increases and your country industries continue to develop.

Following those charts are the Country Resources which include every possible bonus and which of the regions you country occupies offer that. Keep in mind that Capital is very important, since regions that are connected directly to Capital (without some other foreign country region interrupting the borders) you will receive full bonus of that region. Alternatively only 10% (instead of 20%) will apply. Owning a bonus multiple times does not stack. You receive every unique bonus once

Salary displays some interesting statistics as Minimum Wage which can change via Law and Average Salary which is defined by the offers employers post at Job Market.

Manager Work tax displays Citizens Tax which includes the citizens who own that countrys citizenship and Foreigners tax for citizens that choose to Work as Manager in that country with foreign citizenship.

- Politics

Politics is a tab which includes the country officials of a specific country. Country President and rest of the government including Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Governor and Minister of Education. The Country President is elected by citizens, while the rest of government is chosen by Country President. Every one of those positions have special attributes that make their role unique in a way. They all grand the congress member role as long as they are part of government and the permission to propose laws. You are also able to find out which parties elected the most congress members in parliament.

Country President : That citizen is the only one able to receive donation for Country Treasury and launch an attack after a Direct War Law was voted. President and Governor can upgrade Country Storage. President and Minister of Defense can set Country Supply to a battle of their country.

Prime Minister : That citizen is the only one responsible for accepting citizenship requests.

Minister of Defense : That citizen is responsible for accepting Military Unit/Organization relocation requests. Along with Country President they can set Country Supply to a battlefield of their country.

Governor : That citizen is able to upgrade the Country Storage space.

- Military

This tab includes the most important information about the Military aspect of a country. Starting with the Alliance which a country may be part of. Natural Enemy can be any country after a Natural Enemy Law was proposed by country officials. Scroll down to Laws to find out exactly how it works.

Next on Warfare  you will find out if your country has a damage debuff. Occupying regions which are not part of your core regions has a cost. For every non-core captured region your Country citizens suffer 0.5% damage debuff. 

Then you will find a very important section called Active Wars. There you will find out exactly which battles a country can participate in. If you Country President Declares War to some other country, an Active War with that country will show up there. Click at DETAILS to find out the battles history with that specific country. At this page the Country President can find a gear icon on the top right and pop up window to launch an attack.

Last but not least the last section is about countries that have signed Mutual Protection Pact with your country. That means your countries will be able to fight at each others Direct War campaigns, unless there is some conflicts between the 2 sides of the battle. For example my country has signed Mutual Protect Pact with both the attacker and the defender, so my citizens are not able to participate.

- Administration

The last tab of Country Administration Panel, yet very important to the country officials. There you will find out all Laws proposed and voted by congress and government. The congress members and ministers are able to find out the propose a law button. Find out which Laws are available and their action : 

Donate Law : With it a specific sum of Gold or Local Currency (depending on the country, for example in United States of America it is USD, in Albania ALL, and etc.) can be suggested to the Country President. You cant propose a donation towards any other player. In order to specify the exact target of the donation (the player who will receive the sum), you need to also enter his ID. ID is the specific player number, which you can see at the end of his profile link. This law doesnt cost anything to the Country Treasury. Donate Laws require normal majority.

Issue money: With it you can propose a specific number of currency to be printed by usage of gold. The currency type is the local currency, depending on the respective country. For every 200 currency 1 gold from the Country Treasury is required. There is no limit of the currency which can be printed, as long as all the needed gold is in the treasury. When entering the sum into law menu, you need to end the sum of the currency you wish to print. For example, when you want to print 100 000 currency, you need to type 100000 (with no space between numbers) and make sure that there is enough gold (in this case - 500 gold) and propose it. This law doesnt cost any gold from the treasury and it requires normal majority.

VAT Import Tax: With it you can propose a change in the tax percentage for every type of stock market products (this law doesnt affect Currency House). You can set percentage taxation rate with it on two bases: VAT for goods bought from the market by a player who is a citizen of the respective country, and Import Tax for citizens who are a member of every other country (a.k.a. foreigners). All the collected taxes go to Country Treasury. This law requires normal majority.

Work Tax: With it you can propose a change in the taxation of the players job profit. This tax applies to every player who works on the territory of the country - no matter if his citizenship is the same or if he is a foreigner. The tax applies as a percentage of the basic salary. For example - if a player works for 100 currency and the Work Tax is 4%, then the taxation is 4% and the working player receives 96 currency while the country gains 4 currency for its treasury. This law requires normal majority.

Manager Work Tax: With it you can propose a change in the taxation of players companies. With this tax, every time whe a player uses his companies (all type of them) to produce goods, he pays a certain amount of local currency. For instance, you cant pay this tax with USD currency if you produce in Sweden. The tax can be set up to be different for people with local citizenship and for people who are foreigners. Still, foreigners tax cannot be lower than 3 currency for each production. For local citizens, the required minimum is 1. For example - a German player wishes to produce with all his 50 companies in Italy, and Manager Work Tax for foreigners is 4. This means that in order to be able to produce, the player needs to have 200 Italian currency, which is paid directly to the Italian treasury and in exchange for that the player produces with the resource bonuses which Italy have. This law requires normal majority.

Change in minimum wage
: With it you can propose a minimum wage in the country. The people in eDominations can hire other players by paying them a salary in currency. When a minimum wage is active, then the salary of the player cant be lower than the minimum wage which the government has accepted. Minimum wage cant be lower than 1 currency and there is no limit about how much it can actually be. This law requires normal majority.

: With it you can propose a change of your state Capital. In order for a new Capital to be proposed only the regions who are currently belonging or under the occupation of the respective country, and are not under attack, can participate. The Capital is of huge importance for a country - for example, every newborn player starts the game in the region which is currently an active Capital. This law requires normal majority.

President Impeachment: With it you can propose the removal of the currently active Country President and replace him with a President of your choice. In order to suggest a new desired President you need to insert his ID (not nickname). It is possible to propose yourself but it is impossible to suggest players who are citizens of another country. The new President can make up to only 5 law proposals. This law requires normal majority.

Mutual Protection Pact: With it you can propose an alliance between your country and another country. By such action, these countries can help each other in direct war battles (and not in Resistance wars) without any need of traveling. By active Mutual Protection Pact players also gain damage for True Ally medals. A very important part of this law is that both countries need to accept the vote. This law cost 50 golds to the country that proposes it and 0 gold to the other country. The Mutual Protection Pact law is active for 30 days after the day when it is accepted. This law requires normal majority.

Natural enemy: With it you can propose a specific country for a main opponent and by doing so every time your citizens fight against it, the players receive 10% damage bonus. This bonus is active in both direct wars between your country and the Natural Enemy, and indirectly (fighting for allies from Mutual
Protection Pact, traveling to hit and etc). A country can be proposed and accepted for a Natural Enemy if there is no active war between them and in such cases the bonus is valid when fighting for allies as well. There can be only one active Natural Enemy at the time, meaning that by accepting a new country for such, it replaces the old one. The damage made by the bonus also counts for medals. This law requires normal majority.

New welcoming message: With it the active Country President can propose an automatic message which every new registered player in the country receives. This law, which is also an actual proposal for a letter, can consist all kind of information - channels, tutorial guides, contacts and etc. It can also be made of uploaded pictures (including from external sources) and videos (from public channels, like youtube).

It is absolutely forbidden to upload and write things that violate game rules in these messages! For example - nudity, pornography, insults against real-life persons, eDominations players and countries. Advertising other sites and games are strictly forbidden. For violations towards the New welcoming messages, the President who proposed them is held responsible.

The idea of this letter is to grab the attention of the newborn players in order to help them play the game. If, of course, an external link provides videos of the game or any kind of game tutorials, it is completely allowed for them to be a part of then letter. This law requires normal majority.

Trading Embargo
: With it the active Country President can propose Trade Embargo towards a specific country. The Embargo can be proposed against every country and there are no pre-conditions for it (such as active war and etc). With an active Trade Embargo, other country citizens cant operate on local country markets. Such law does not forbid donations between country citizens with active trade embargo between their countries and affects only the market. This law requires normal majority.

Peace Treaty: With it the active Country President can propose an end of an active war between countries. Such law can also consist a gold reparations clause, which is not fully required for the law - Peace Treaty can also be accepted without it - and in this case the country can simply leave 0. Peace Treaties can be proposed only to a country which is in an active war. Such law doesnt restore countries historical (or core) borders, and in potentially occupied regions there still can be activate Resistance Wars. With a peace Treaty, the status of the active war is ended and there can no longer have any direct attacks. Proposing a Peace Treaty itself cost 20 gold for the country that proposes it. Such law must be voted and accepted by both country governments. The Law requires big majority from both countries in order to be accepted.

Declare War: With it the active Country President can propose a stage of direct war to be established between your country and another country. With that your country will start the war and will have the abilities to attack enemy regions, conquer them, gain their resources and etc. The country that accepts the Declaration of War also gain the initiative first, meaning that within the first 24 hours of the war, only this country can launch an attack. In case that both countries have ongoing Declare War laws against each other, the initiative is gained by the country who have opened the law (and respectively accept it) first. Proposing a Declare War law itself cost 30 gold. Law requires big majority only from the country government in order to be accepted.

Cancel Protection Pact: With it the active Country President can propose a forced ending of an active Mutual Protection Pact. Such law is voted only by the side that has suggested it, meaning that the Mutual Protection Pact can be ended without a mutual agreement, but by the desire of only one of the sides. Proposing a Cancel Protection Pact law itself cost 100 gold. Law requires big majority in order to be accepted.



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