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Published in Serbia - First steps in eDominations - 4 - 26 Apr 17 08:52


 Pozdrav svim ljudima novog eSveta. Do pre 4 godine igrao sam igricu zvanu eRepublik, verovatno je vecina vas upoznata sa njom i secate se koliko je bila dobra igrica dok je admini u potrazi za vecim profitom nisu upropastili. Dugo sam trazio neku slicnu igru i sasvim slucajno danas saznam za eDominations i vidim da ova igra skroz obecava.

Ovim novinskim clankom hteo bih da pomognem novim igracima da ostanu u ovoj igri.
Korake koje treba da preduzmete na pocetku igre kako bi napredovali i osvojili exp i golde:
1. Kada ste se registrovali, prvo sto treba je da pratite misije koje se nalaze na levoj strani, prva misija ukljucuje da stavite avatar na profilnu sliku i da napisete par reci o sebi u deskripciji. Kada uradite ovo, dobicete nagradu u vidu iskustva i hleba.

2. Zaposlite se i radite,  klikom na Bussiness Centar pa na Job Market mozete naci listu poslova, kada nadjete odgovarajuci posao, kliknete work dugme i tada ste odradili posao za danas, bice vam oduzeto 10jedinica energije od ukupnih 500 jedinica.

3. Trenirajte, to mozete uraditi tako sto cete otici na My Buildings pa na Workout area, treningom povecavate svoju snagu i pravite vecu stetu u bitkama, trenutno se vodi trening bitka izmedju Afganistana i Veneceuele, tu mozete napredovati. Za svako kliknuto fight dugme dobijate 2 iskustva i tako napredujete u nivoma, za svaki novi nivo dobijate 1 GOLD.

4.Nakon sto radite, trenirate, vodite bitku, videcete da imate malo jedinica zdravlja, da bi ste se izlecili kliknete na RECOVER ENERGY i vraca vam se energija tako sto pojedete hleb koji je svako od nas dobio na pocetku. Ima tu jos nekih koraka, tipa kako da otvorite novine, politicku stranku, vojnu jedinicu, ali sam naveo neke od najvaznijih stvari kako bih olaksao pocetak svakog novog igraca. Najbitnije je da pratite dnevne misije jer dobijate nagrade za njih. Onima koji zele nesto vise da nauce savetujem da klikcu po igrici i naucice sigurno, tako sam i ja. 

Nadam se da sam bio od male pomoci za nove igrace, ocekujte jos novinskih clanka. Ne zaboravite da kliknete VOTE+SUBSCRIBE. Vidimo se do sledeceg puta. :)


Greetings to all the people of the new eWorld. Until 4 years ago I was playing a game called eRepublik, probably most of you are familiar with it and remember how it was a good game until the administrators were looking for larger profits and ruined it. I have searched for a long time a similar game and found it by accident today, eDominations is a promising game to play in next period.

With this newspaper article I would like to help new players to stay in this game.
The steps you need to take at the beginning of the game in order to progress and win exp and Gold:
1. When you sign up, the first thing you need is to follow the missions located on the left side, the first mission includes to put the avatar profile picture and write a few words about yourself in the deion. When you do this, you will get a reward in the form of experience and bread.

2. Get a job and work, click on the Bussiness Center on the Job Market you can find a list of jobs,  find a suitable job, click the button work, and then you did a daily job, you will be taken away 10units of energy of the total 500 units .

3. Train, you can do so by going to My Buildings on Workout area, training increases your strength and you make more damage in battles, in this moment the training battle is active between Afghanistan and Venezuela, you can fight there. For each click fight button you get 2 experiences and progress in levels, each new level you get 1 GOLD.

4. After you did your tasks, working, training, fighting, etc. you will see that you have a few units of health, if you want to recover click RECOVER ENERGY and that returns your energy so that each of us eat the bread that was given at the beginning. There are still some steps, for example how to create newspapers, politic party, military unit, but Ive listed some of the most important things in order to help the start of each new player. The most important thing is to keep track of daily missions as you get rewards for completing them. For those who want something more to learn advise you to click through the game and you will learn for sure, Thats how I did.

I hope I have been of a little help for new players, expect more news articles. Do not forget to click VOTE+SUBSCRIBE and see you next time. :)


Comments (4)

26 Apr 17 08:56

Imas glas

26 Apr 17 09:31

Ma da, igra obećava da će bit isto njesra kao i revollution. Čak bih se mogao opkladiti da su se vlasnici razišli i druga ekipa napravila ovu. Ali svakako evo tebi vote i sub za trud

26 Apr 17 09:43

Nisam znao za taj revollution, ali nadam se da nece biti tako...

28 Apr 17 04:50

Vladika slucaj je upravo to. admini od erevollution su se razisli i napravili ovu igricu. Mada u ovoj igrici ima stvari koje su trazene od strane igraca ali nisi pmplementirane u staroj.