Good News USA

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News of the eWorld! - Social interactions and entertainment |

Published in United States of America - Social interactions and entertainment - 2 - 03 May 17 12:31

Welcome to the first set of articles bringing you the latest and greatest articles from around the eWorld! I will scour the eWorld newspapers for Interesting, Fun, Intriguing and Informative articles.

I understand that most newspaper would never cross your mind to even look at that country, which is why I do this. To bring this world closer together or a way to find more info on an enemy.

This will be a weekly published series, I will be publishing at least one sector of news a day. Normally I will that is, since this is the start of everything I will be publishing them all today under their own article. Some will very long and others few if any relevant articles.

One request, if you do visit the articles please vote.Its the least you can do! And if you think my work is worthy please SUB, I dont do SUB 4 SUB... Quality Content over Begging!

And share the link to my paper/articles as well. Thank you and enjoy!

Bosnia and Herzegovina -

Bosnian Beauty :) - I support people who are proud of their homeland!

Bulgaria -
Visit Bulgaria Part 1 - A beautiful land, show your support for beauty of the world!

Brazil -

Commedy and Controversy Strikes Back The Return - Tell me you didnt laugh and agree!
Random Things - Too funny, this guy is on my continual watch list!

Chile -

Project Serpo – The Exchange Program Between Humans and Aliens This is a very interesting story, good read and SUB!

China -

eDomiVoters Release - Make Money Is Easy Now!!!!!!! - Get paid to vote up articles and pay to get yours voted up! I signed up and you can make about 0.050 gold PER VOTE! Please comment about this article here, I want to know your thoughts!
This is a RECOMMENDED read!
Borders around the world - This is a good one, all images, but worth a good laugh or three!
Poor India Funny and cute.

France -

Whats Up for May 2017 - Unique newspaper about NASA.

Georgia -
TECHNO Girl DJs - Pretty good music, take a look if you want some tunes!

Ireland -

You’re no fun - Game Criticism, is it fair? Some yes and others not so much, in my opinion.

Portugal -

Discover Portugal, the country that will eDOMINATE you! - Interesting facts (not game related), worthy of your time!

Romania -

Tutorial Economic / Economic Tutorial
Asgardia - The Space Nation Leaving this one for you to comment on.

Slovenia -

Ask questions about the game - Improve your knowledge - Not so much about the article, but the comment are a good read and informative!
Lingerie Soccer Ladies Part 1 - No rocket science here...

Spain -

Interview with the Spanish president, el bar de moe Nice Interview article.

Turkey -

Sexy Subs - No this is not about the economy!
5 Famous Paintings You Need To See - Culture here, very beautiful artwork!

Ukraine -

40 referals and medal Ambassador (+40 gold) - This guy gets MAJOR PROPs!

United Kingdom -

The Firsts of the eDominations Very short


USA top 5 natural wonders + avatar making - Nice article about the natural wonders, but mostly added it here for the avatar making portion.

Have you seen my previous articles in this series?

News of the eWorld! - Financial analysis (Click Here)
News of the eWorld! - Political debates and analysis (Click Here)
News of the eWorld! - Warfare analysis (Click Here)



Comments (2)

03 May 17 12:47


19 Dec 20 15:46
