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IzN0GooD Chronicle |

Published in United States of America - Social interactions and entertainment - 1 - 16 Jan 21 11:20

The misadventures of IzNoGoud , the Grand Vizier, who is forever trying to
eliminate the Sultan and size the throne for himself, never with any success.
Below is 1min video intro

At Bagdad, Haroun el-Poussah is the great and beloved caliph and IzNoGouD is his loyal vizir. IzNoGouD himself has a loyal partner, Dilat Laraht, who helps him to carry out all of his cruel plans to
become once and for all caliph instead of the caliph. At the end of each
episode IzNoGouD is still only the Grand Vizir, if hes lucky, most of the times he finishes trapped in all kind of situations (transformed into a dog, working as a slave, inside a labyrinth, etc etc). For the
next issue, everything goes back to normal and Haroun el-Poussah never
notices anything.
IzNoGouD (Hes no good) is selfish, cruel, greedy, wrathful, ...evil, basically, but the Caliph, who is all the opposite, keeps calling him My good IzNoGouD

The idea was born and thats how this profile is called.
I hope you liked with the intro above.
More content to come o7


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Comments (1)

16 Jan 21 11:27

sub 500 :)