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Hack - Work Tax |

Published in Georgia - Financial analysis - 5 - 27 Jan 21 00:06

Hack for you, If you dont like work tax in your country where you are hired. 

For Example:

Work Tax in Georgia - 10%
And my Job

Work Tax in Latvia 1%
and on Same Job in Georgia, but work from Latvia

Please Admin Fix it :) In this situation Work Tax % is nothing, If everyone can find any %.

At last:

Produce in Georgia
Food 100% https://www.edominations.com/public/game/items/food.png
Weapons 110% https://www.edominations.com/public/game/items/tank.png
Houses 100% https://www.edominations.com/public/game/items/house.png

Plus CC rate is 0.006


lHadesllHadesllHadeslAravchamotPuriGeorgian PhoenixGEORGIAN

Comments (5)

27 Jan 21 00:16

boston bank hacked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjzaReM0Ee8 :D

27 Jan 21 01:09

Thats so nice you have found however ...... save 10 cc from tax but in and out travel cost 0.6 gold (60cc) .. `` logic ?!

27 Jan 21 01:26
Omar Aka JanGo

#Tommigunz - :) everyone can spent 100 energy and Country Treasury lose CC from work tax, this is problem

27 Jan 21 01:35

...maybe country treasury should not be greedy...

27 Jan 21 07:39

@Tommigunz: 1k q5 food = 3.5g.. 100 energy = 10 q5 food = 0.035g.. It is less than 11.25 GEL = 0.0675g..