The story of Shahnameh (4) |

Published in Iran - Social interactions and entertainment - 3 - 17 Mar 23 00:03

Fereydouns fathers name was Abtin. One day the kings agents saw him and took him to the royal kitchen for the kings food and killed him. Fereydoun was born at this time. Fereydoun mother, whose name was faranak, became aware of the matter and took him to the guard of the meadow and said: feed this child with cows milk and keep it with you. For three years, Fereydoun was raised by that man with cows milk, and Zahhak was still looking for him. Faranak, fearing the king, decided to take Fereydoun with him to India and beyond Mount Alborz.

There lived a pious man in the mountain to whom faranak entrusted the boy and who took care of Fereydoun upbringing. From there, Zahhak found out about Fereydouns original location, but when he reached the meadow, he did not find him, so he killed every person and animal that was there and set it on fire. When Fereydoun turned sixteen, he came to his mother from Alborz and asked about his name and father. Faranak said: Your father Abtin was of Thammorth race. Zahhak killed him to provide food for his snakes, after that he was still looking for you and I hid you. Fereydons heart was filled with pain and he sought revenge, but his mother warned

An online translator has been used to translate this story.

نام پدر فریدون آبتین بود. روزی مأموران شاه او را دیدند و برای غذای شاه او را به آشپزخانه سلطنتی برده و کشتند. در این زمان فریدون به دنیا آمده بود. مادر فریدون که فرانک نام داشت از موضوع آگاه شد و او را به نزد نگهبان مرغزار برد و گفت: این کودک را با شیر گاو بپرور و نزد خود نگاهدار. سه سال فریدون نزد آن مرد با شیر گاو پرورده شد و ضحاک همچنان در جستجوی او بود.فرانک از ترس شاه تصمیم گرفت فریدون را با خود به هندوستان و فراسوی کوه البرز ببرد. در کوه مرد پاک‌دینی می‌زیست که فرانک پسر را به او سپرد و او به پرورش فریدون همت گمارد. از آن‌سو ضحاک از جایگاه اولیه فریدون آگاهی یافت اما وقتی به مرغزار رسید او را نیافت پس هر انسان و چارپایی که آنجا بود کشت و آنجا را به آتش کشید. وقتی فریدون شانزده‌ساله شد از البرز به‌سوی مادرش آمد و از نام و نشان و پدرش پرسید. فرانک گفت: پدرت آبتین از نژاد طهمورث بود. ضحاک او را کشت تا برای مارهایش غذا فراهم کند بعدازآن همچنان به دنبال تو بود و من تو را مخفی نمودم.فریدون دلش پر از درد شد و در پی انتقام برآمد اما مادر او را بر حذر می‌داشت.
ترا ای پسر پند من یاد باد
به‌جز گفت مادر دگر باد باد

Part 1 of the story

Part 2 of the story 

Part 3 of the story

For updating... 



Comments (3)

17 Mar 23 00:11

OMG what a story! i wonder how the name of a mother could be Frank? ... and food for snakes? brrr...

17 Mar 23 00:25
Sir Barbod

No no faranak

17 Mar 23 01:02
Sir Barbod

I use an online translator and it is very difficult... Yes, in the previous stories, we explained that Zahhak has two snake on his shoulders