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Work Tax Refund and Tax Refund New Forms |

Published in Argentina - Financial analysis - 3 - 10 Oct 17 12:39

English Version below
Spanish Version
De cara a las elecciones en las que ganamos por un 60% de los votos vamos a dar cara a las situaciones que tenemos por delante.
A partir de hoy se empezara a sacar una serie de artículos para informar continuamente las acciones realizadas en el día.
Gobierno día 1: reacomodación
Para evitar superposición de datos, preferimos llevar la cuenta a una planilla con nuestro formato.
Es decir que vamos a tener un nuevo Formulario de Tax Refund y de Work Tax Refund.
Para aprovechar los beneficios del Tax Refund llena el formulario siguiente:
Tax Refund
Se entregará el beneficio al otro día, sin falta. Se realiza esto para ganar organización y dar tiempo suficiente para evitar cometer errores
Para aprovechar los beneficios del Work Tax Refund llena el formulario siguiente:
Work Tax Refund
En éste caso vemos que hay una gran masa de jugadores, así que se tratará de dar el beneficio ni bien se lo vea, para evitar retrasos.

English Version

In the face of the elections in which we win for 60% of the votes we are going to face the situations that lie ahead.
Starting today, a series of articles will be published to continuously inform the actions carried out during the day.
Government day 1: rearrangement
To avoid data overlap, we prefer to take the account to a form with our format.
In other words, we are going to have a new Tax Refund Form and Work Tax Refund Form.
To take advantage of the Tax Refund benefits fill out the following form:
Tax Refund
The benefit will be delivered the next day, without fail. This is done to gain organization and give enough time to avoid making mistakes
To take advantage of the benefits of the Work Tax Refund fill out the following form:
Work Tax Refund

In this case we see that there is a great mass of players, so we will try to give the benefit as soon as we see it, to avoid delays.



Comments (3)

11 Oct 17 03:39


11 Oct 17 10:41

Refund is working, thanks

11 Oct 17 12:33

Y esto a Boca como le afecta???