Information and open discussion about future changes with regions and resources |

Published in Argentina - Political debates and analysis - 99 - 26 Mar 18 14:07

Hello citizens of the eDominations,

Please forgive me about English mistakes, i typed this article fast and mistakes are probable.

We would like to inform you about our future big changes in the game. Main topic in this article will be change of regions per country and resource redistribution in the game. Following chapters about this topic are covered:
1. Introduction
2. The old formula for regions
3. The new formula for regions
4. Advantage and our opinion on this change

1. We were thinking a lot about those two changes in past weeks, about best possible ways how to implement them. Meanwhile, country leaders from South America asked us for meeting about the same topic (more in this article). Even before their article, we were already talking about the idea to change number of regions in the world, they just gave us motivation to speed up the process. Its obvious there is disbalance and some strange ratio between number of regions per countries. Especially after damage reduction rule, that diffence became even more visible. Countries with lot of the core regions have an advantage against countries with few core regions. Also, from game point of view, its a bit unreal to have country with 17 core regions and almost dead community in country on the one side and country with 4-5 core regions but with big community on the other side.

2. Before start of the game, making of the map was based on the formula combining: region population density; population of nation in general and territory size. Keep in mind that we couldnt predict population of players in each country before the game. Back then, those factors were most logical in order to make map in game based on RL facts. But as time passed, this formula showed disadvantages. For example we will use same example as leaders of South American countries used in their article: France and Brasil. Because of the low density factor which Brasil have and big one in France, those factors were decisive for the number of regions in those countries, so France got more regions than Brasil, even though Brasil has bigger population and territory size. Because there are a lot of examples around the world, we found it unfair to give more regions to the countries with high population density in real life. Also, the fact that we know now population of countries in the game, our opinion is that this factor is more important than population of country in real life. Based on previous words, we made new formula which will be showed and explained in following chapter.

3. New formula contains two factors: the Active population of the country in the game and country area from real life.
First factor, active population of the country in the game, participates in 60% of the formula counting and second, country area, takes 40% of the formula counting. Also, maximum number of regions one country can have is 10. So, for active population maximum number of regions country can get is 6 and for country area is 4.

    -Active population of the country in the game - including 2 clickers (work+train) and DO players. For this number we took data from last 3 weeks in the game, for each week, and used average number of the population for this period. After collecting data, we made 6 different categories for this factor, depending on the Active population of the country in the game in past three weeks:
       -Population from 0 to 4 players - country gets 1 region
        -Population from 5 to 24 players - country gets 2 regions
        -Population from 25 to 49 players - country gets 3 regions
        -Population from 50 to 89 players - country gets 4 regions
        -Population from 90 to 139 players - country gets 5 regions
        -Population of 140 players or more - country gets 6 regions

    -Country area from real life - territory of the country from real life (including watter territory). We made 4 different categories for this factor:
        -Country area between 1km2 and 20 000km2 - country gets 1 region
        -Country area between 20 001km2 and 99 000km2 - country gets 2 regions
        -Country area between 99 001km2 and 999 000km2 - country gets 3 regions
        -Country area 999 001km2 or bigger - country gets 4 regions


Of course, together with this change, we will do resource redistribution. As you maybe noticed in the picture, total number of regions will drop from 524 to 415. Some types of resources will become rare ones. That fact makes us believe game will be more interesting from tactical side.
This is not final number since we can make additional changes after your opinion, especially if someone gives some strong suggestion which is covered by facts and also we keep rights to change final number from this picture by +/- 1 region (due to some technical aspects).

4. Now, its important to say our opinion about this and why we find this formula good. Size of the country in RL is important factor in order to have map as close as possible to the RL map. On the other hand, population of country in game is factor we couldnt know before the game, but now if we count that factor in, combination of this 2 factors in our opionion will make most fair look of the map, from the game aspect. With limitation to maximum 10 regions per country we get more closer difference in number of regions between countries and countries with more active players are rewarded with bigger number of regions. The game gets more uncertainty and fun.

Important to say is that those change will affect lots of the things. Because of that, you need to be aware of the following:
    -All countries will need to get back into their cores.
    -Those change wont happen at least 1 month from now. We will need some time for that since its complicated process from tehnical and programming side (drawing of map, changing codes, and changing everything which is related to IDs of regions (players and ORG locations etc.))

Please, share with us your opionion and suggestion.

In the name of the admin team,
Admin Ilija.


AlexSeVokasiKavehPetroDemiurgeSuRPriSeLoVeSuRPriSeLoVeFlashinskyThe GodfatherTodos Somos Facu

Comments (99)

26 Mar 18 14:11

First pole princ

26 Mar 18 14:13

Nice job Ilija we love you but you are not major now. :D

26 Mar 18 14:15
Zheng Ying

what??? China 10 regions??? are you real, I expect some tears here in 3 2 1 :D

26 Mar 18 14:16

Really nice job. I would like to know if core regions formula will be used every few weeks to make an automatic distribution every few months as countries may loose activity due to migrations.

26 Mar 18 14:16

Please no rob German cores! We are small, peacefull, developing country ;(

26 Mar 18 14:17


26 Mar 18 14:21
ScymeX Jr

I think we need to see the New resource distribution in order to decide if this Changes would be good for the game. At least I m happy to see that admins are working no trying to improve the game. Keep it UP!

26 Mar 18 14:21

Add Rapa Nui, save the Map

26 Mar 18 14:21
Better look around

I support the idea

26 Mar 18 14:25

China # 1 :D

26 Mar 18 14:26

What will be with Kosovo?! Put it on the vote to which it belongs, Kosovo is Serbia!

26 Mar 18 14:26
Profesor X


26 Mar 18 14:27
Fighter 007

Kdor ne skače ni SLOVVENC HEJ HEJ HEJ

26 Mar 18 14:28

wow, this is a really bold move admin. congrats for hard work. appreciated, really, is like we got a new game to play. now please fulfill this, dont put this in coffin together with media center! XD

26 Mar 18 14:32

Sounds good, keep in mind do not dupe resources in same country...

26 Mar 18 14:33

Good this is a proper refreshment to the game.

26 Mar 18 14:39

Countries should not go back to their cores. What about the wars that we are currently envolving ? If countries will return cores why we are trying to disrupt our rivals resources ? That would be unfair and it will give to the side that loses the wars an unfair advantage! They will reclaim their losses without any opposition!

26 Mar 18 14:42

If you suggest us idea to make changes without getting countries into their cores and if that idea can be implemented, we will be glad to do it.

26 Mar 18 14:43

Active player calculation must be done correctly. Some countries have more bot accounts than active players.

26 Mar 18 14:47

Always changes

26 Mar 18 14:48

Thinking about the ones who were complaining about the region distribution days ago... ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? IS THIS NOT WHY YOU ARE HERE? :v

26 Mar 18 14:48

Georgia 140 active player: 6 region Serbia 136 active player : 5 region :D lol

26 Mar 18 14:50

will u delete our cores???

26 Mar 18 14:50

Loren you didnt read carrefully article.

26 Mar 18 14:57

Always changes

26 Mar 18 15:05

All country 5 or 10...All

26 Mar 18 15:05
Navy Seal

It is good changes but, how many regions do you have now in game?! will not it rise amount of all regions + bonuses + Croatian farmers?!

26 Mar 18 15:06

Yeah I know it will be change :) but funny right ? :D

26 Mar 18 15:07
Republic of Macedonia

This way we will lose regions we fought for ..i nice reward eould be welcome admins

26 Mar 18 15:09

No, kaatinga, regions will drop from 524 to 415 (or some close number)

26 Mar 18 15:20
Omar Aka JanGo

nice, GREAT

26 Mar 18 15:21
Navy Seal

wow. nice. gl. From tomorrow You will miss me, but anyway who cares... you are going to make really good upgreades...

26 Mar 18 15:21

Loren Don t cry and read more, -Population from 90 to 139 players - country gets 5 regions -Population of 140 players or more - country gets 6 regions

26 Mar 18 15:32

How often you will adjust the regions in relation to changes of population?

26 Mar 18 15:34

For those complaining about losing conquered regions: With resource change, you will anyway have regions in possesion which you dont need, so for you its better to get back in cores and start from zero than to have not really usefull non-core regions and damage reduction.

26 Mar 18 15:34

Opinion is solid, but take care of occupied regions now, because some of us used money, time and resources to get that regions, so it will be unfair to bring back countries to their cores.

26 Mar 18 15:43
Navy Seal

Ilja - you are missing main point... Many of them there does not need regions for bonuses, they need regions not to let others have bonuses :)))) P.s. About Serbia I agree, They deserved 8 regions.

26 Mar 18 15:46

+1 to kaatinga s comment on conquered regions

26 Mar 18 15:48

Ilija, there is a solution for staying in occupied regions. If the country has decreased amount of regions then, simply aggressor lose some regions, like 4/5=2/3 defender will stay in numbers. so is nothing extra to do. If defender will have increased regions, then aggressor will have increased occupied regions by half for every additional region 4/5=5/7 4/5=4/6. Dividing and merging regions should be easier to do and save the connections routes. Ofc you should put a new map to article enough time earlier. For resources bonus, damn give a decision to country government, they always can drop not needed region. Getting back to start is never a solution, this act support only one side, you can always freeze battles for one day to give a space for renegotiation etc, but you need to remember about giving 100% bonus to production to everyone.

26 Mar 18 16:42

seems good

26 Mar 18 16:45
Franky Four Fingers

^ i love people who haven t read article but they comment it. Ireland will suffer because of update but i think it s good move from admins. Respect.

26 Mar 18 17:03
Santiago Orquera

Nice update its comming

26 Mar 18 17:03
El Coloro

hueheueheuheuheuehueheuehu fairness , cry europeans

26 Mar 18 17:11
Sherlock Holmes

Im surprised actually. But you must reduce regions much more. For instance singapore has no population, make all singapore 1 region. Same as slovakia, tunisia etc. Less regions means less bonuses, more fights.

26 Mar 18 17:30

Sherlock having 1 region in some case make connections really hard

26 Mar 18 17:34

If a country starts a babyboom and for example gets from 130 to 160 active players will they gain another core or this is final distribution ? Because if they gain a region some country may speculate by gaining new players either by babyboom or by stealing from other countries. Same apply in reverse situation

26 Mar 18 17:39

Pure example is the shout of Peru for free citizenship where they have 86 active and need 4 more for another core

26 Mar 18 17:40


26 Mar 18 20:20
El Coloro

pashkulev wtf , who buys that babyboom thing , is most a multiboom , how ever i dont care , best update ever

26 Mar 18 21:36


27 Mar 18 00:50
John Doe

Finally something by PRAVOSLAVLjE.

27 Mar 18 01:19

how sweet

27 Mar 18 01:21
Uchiha ltachi

How did u check the active citizens? Did u consider being real citizen of real life country? Or registered in a Country?

27 Mar 18 01:34

Active citizens - all players with login and finished work/ train at least.

27 Mar 18 01:36

Why Bolivia 2 times?

27 Mar 18 01:49


27 Mar 18 01:55

As someone has already said, what will happen when the active population of a country change? People can leave their countries, or BBs... Also, if all countries return to their cores, what will happen with active wars? It would be useless to keep fighting right now if all the progress will be lost.

27 Mar 18 02:05


27 Mar 18 02:24
GN Soldier

singapore lol

27 Mar 18 02:25

Albania o7

27 Mar 18 02:27

All countries the same number of region. Otherwise you will have to change number of core regions all the time. And people will calculate and buying citizenship before calculation.

27 Mar 18 02:36

what will happen with my org?

27 Mar 18 02:53

Now you have contry with 20 players because everyone got cs from contryes with 100/100/100 due to your great update of taxes. What should we do know? Stop all battles? Whats the point of keep figting for regions that will disappear in 1 month? What will happen with orgs? Will we be able to change location for free? This game walks to a point where there will be only 5/6 contries. Less regions, less bonus, many contries will be wiped, and insted of contries with 20 players, you will have contries with 0 players. Good Job.

27 Mar 18 03:03

hahahaha this is too strong. First someone complains that number of regions is not good, then admins want to change it and then again you complain about that...........

27 Mar 18 03:11

make strong countries more stronger, weak ones deleted, and where will your damage reduction help those weak countries survive now? if a country has 1-2 regions damage reduce that they cause, if they hold important resource

27 Mar 18 03:27

u relly might out that make an update where only one country gets 10 regions and others less? hahah u must have some srs problems in you brain guys. good way to kill this game.

27 Mar 18 03:31

and tka out this stupid high taxes. I do wanna play for my country!

27 Mar 18 03:34


27 Mar 18 03:42

what if you make some fix number of regions lets say 420 that can be reshuffled anytime?

27 Mar 18 03:55

this is why edom is better than e re v

27 Mar 18 05:20
Senju Kenshin

Not the best solution of all, but interesting........... U should do this:::::::::::: - since a lot of players changed CS for producing in old metod, or u rewind the CS of everyone from their first day, or u give a deadline and free pass for all players to change CS before. This is the way the number of CS players can truly influence the regions number. Or even consider IP, but still not fair............ - There are, and everyone knows it, a lot of multi accounts in this game. Its a sad and true story, that this formula prizes instead of condemning............ - Best game fuel would be to randomly change resources, could be a monthly event, or three months event, so u have to rearrange agreements, to fight your old ally, or even to open new war fronts......... - Still, countries with more regions than others make game unbalanced even more for new players to join. U should decide if u want to do a game attractive for new players and possible spenders, or keep it for old ones (and shrinking)......... - There should be only a fix number of regions for all countries. changing resources periodically, and also, u could make a building like energy booster, but resource booster, for countries to increase their regions for one month or two, and in this way, only bigger countries will have interest in spending this amount only to increase their cores.....

27 Mar 18 06:03
The Godfather

You need remove fromgame tge damage reduction..this is a crap

27 Mar 18 06:51

Es una mejora, ademas lo mejor es saber que los admin trabajan en mejorar el juego y también que los admin escuchan a los jugadores. Eso hace de este un buen juego.

27 Mar 18 07:27

LOOOOOOLLLL...... Check multies first dude!.... Arg, a country that every day only 15 players fight, it is impossible for them to have 123 active players, more than half of them are multies! (with bot)

27 Mar 18 07:31
mule sins

Croatia owe 2 regions to Turkey

27 Mar 18 08:07
Manolis Papas

I think this is a STUPID change. The number of active players should not affect the number of regions in a country as it can change drastically. For example, if a baby boom takes place in France and 200 new players enter the game, what will you do? Will you change the number of regions again? The number of core regions should only be affected from the area and population of real countries

27 Mar 18 09:12

The important thing about this update is that you change resources in a way that a certain country won t have all bonuses in their first neighbour countries. That way there will be more wars and countries won t create alliance blocks next to each other. If a country wants full bonus or even 2/3 bonuses (wep, food for example) they would have to fight like crazy to achieve that. With good bonus selection you can have wars all the time that will keep this economy going all the time.

27 Mar 18 09:29

The same number of regions for all countries, is that so hard?

27 Mar 18 09:47

The same number of regions for all countries, is that so hard? x2

27 Mar 18 10:25


27 Mar 18 10:43
count zero

and if a country will have a baby boom the regions will increase?

27 Mar 18 10:45

This change can bring some justice but IT WONT SAVE YOUR GAME! Make this game different from its rivals at the market. Make this game different with some aspect make it more attractive ( even changing interface would be a perfect start ), bring some unique features!

27 Mar 18 10:49

Justice for Montenegro o/

27 Mar 18 11:39
Mr Blue

The same number of regions for all countries, is that so hard? x3

27 Mar 18 11:56

Yes it is, we cant simply give same number of regions to Russia, USA and China on the one side and Singapoure, Cyprus and Luxembourg on the other side.

27 Mar 18 12:16
Bilbo Baggins

I like this suggestion for several reasons a) It will lead to a fairer distribution of areas. As you noted, some countries have over 15 core regions while others have just 4. Once your suggestion is being realised, most countries will have between 4 and 10 regions. b) Country size is real life won t be neglected. c) Active citizen count will also be taken into account. Side note: Why don t you remove inactive players from the active citizen count? I mean some players just register or give up pretty early. In my opinion, any player who has not been online for over a month should not count as an active citizen. ...and finally c) I like the resetting of the map. Time for a fresh start!

27 Mar 18 13:21

Why can t you just give the same amount of regions to each Country? Why is it necessary to have any sort of relation to their real physical size? Keep same # of regions for each Country, that is a simple and elegant solution. What if a current dead country has a decent baby boom in future? Will you change the map again then?

27 Mar 18 14:12

If I were an admin I would also redistribute the players to their belonging country based on IP location of connection.. and than do the math for region calculation... than only you will have a propper `active database` of players and than only will this work... just think of this Mr. admin..

27 Mar 18 14:56
Judy Alvarez

Dear Admins, I d suggest to lower the difference. One country would have 10-9 regions while some 2 or 3. It s a huge difference. Can cause numerous issues in the community. 10-9= too much. 2-3 = i m a.dead country giving bonuses to other countries. Gib Slovakia 8 regions and i m sure it will become a lively place!

27 Mar 18 18:31

1) Why can t you just give the same amount of regions to each Country? 2) Why is it necessary to have any sort of relation to their real physical size? 3) Keep same # of regions for each Country, that is a simple and elegant solution. 4) What if a current dead country has a decent baby boom in future? Will you change the map again and then again when current large country has a massive exodus of players?

27 Mar 18 18:41

-----ILIJA: Yes it is, we cant simply give same number of regions to Russia, USA and China on the one side and Singapoure, Cyprus and Luxembourg on the other side.---------- WHY NOT? How many Chinese actually play this game? Most players in China are from other countries: Argentina, Croatia, Australia... Antimon, Vlad, Diesel, Evans and most others are all from other countries. WHY are they in China? Because China has a lot of core regions and bonuses.

27 Mar 18 20:56

Vlad is from Romania

27 Mar 18 21:20

Evans has come from the heaven

27 Mar 18 22:18


28 Mar 18 09:57

I agree with Hrvat. Every country the same amount of CORE....the others could be marked as NON core regions. When baby boom comes, there will be a big problem!

28 Mar 18 10:25
Robert E Lee

lol, what kind of NATIVE baby boom is going to happen in saudi arabia, cyprus, afghanistan or india? those countries just serve as free resource ground for turkey and iran just like in other games. same goes for belgium, netherlands and most of scandinavia... face it only people playing this are eastern europeans, turks, iranians and south americans.

01 Apr 18 00:04
El Coloro

Add or tulachi

05 Apr 18 02:12


13 Apr 18 15:01
Elon Musk

@kaatinga stop saying that ull quit srsly..thats prolly the 15th time..put up or shut up...