Information about changes with regions and resources - part 2 |

Published in Paraguay - Political debates and analysis - 69 - 13 Apr 18 14:50

Hello dear players,

I will just try to make short review of regions and resources update and to introduce you with current progress.

First part of the work on update, drawing of the new regions is finished. Its like 65-70% of the total work on this and rest of the work(fixing borders between countries and resource redistribution) will be much easier.
For now we are not still 100% sure about the date when this updated will be implemented into game. But, in this moment we are planing to make it live on 23rd april. Still, i repeat, its not final date and releasing of update may be changed. Anyway, confirmation of this information and about lot more news you will read soon in the admin article.

There are some changes in number of regions per country, so the screens you saw in my last article are not matching final number of regions. Changes are mostly in low activity countries in the game. From tactical reasons it was not possible to make some countries have less regions from the numbers in last article.
Otherwise, there will be option for neighbours to easily get through that country and pass half of the continent with wining only one region to get on their destination.Final number of regions is following:
(If someone has problems seeing this screens please inform me)

There are few important informations which are related to the this update:

1. We thought about 2 options, to make all countries go back to their cores and to allow countries keep regions they are occupying now, and from logical aspect, getting countries to their cores is definitely best way - Simply, there are occupied countries, from few different occupiers. And know territory of the occupied country changed. We cant think of an idea how to give those territories to the occupiers which are keeping them at the moment. For example: 3 Japanese regions are occupied by 2 different countries and now territory of those 3 regions is mixed, we cant find criteria of giving those territories to one or another occupier. And such examples we have all around the world. So we definitely think returning countries to the cores is best sollution.

2. We still need to decide what will happen with laws related to the military module, such as DoWs which started before the DC when update is implemented. Like if we give update on 23rd april, and there are DoWs started after DC on 22nd, should they be accepted after DC on 23rd or not? Personally, i see this as option for countries to do faster moves and to be as better as possible prepared for update and i dont have anything against if such actions are accepted.

I have in mind a lot of the actions which will affect new update, but i dont know what of those are considered as expected. So, if you have any kind of questions related to influence of this update to the game mechanism, please ask in the comments and you will get answers here or in next admin article. Goal of this article is to inform you as better as possible for the update and thats why i ask for feedback.



El Tarloasansko13xCONANxUros Veliki

Comments (69)

13 Apr 18 14:53

first :B

13 Apr 18 14:55
Major Tom


13 Apr 18 14:56


13 Apr 18 14:59

thanks ilija for the hard work o7 truly appreciated man, kudos for all the effort you are doing

13 Apr 18 15:03


13 Apr 18 15:12

Illija make sure to add San Andrés isla de on colombia s cores... Antes international Courtney ruled 10 years ago that is Colombia territory and not other gane have add it

13 Apr 18 15:17
El Coloro

add rapa nui please :D

13 Apr 18 15:19


13 Apr 18 15:20

Regarding your question at point nr. 2) I have a question. Will the already active DoW wars be erased? Like I dow a country 5 days before the update, after the update happens I will need to re-DoW them (and anyone else with whom i had open war) again? Otherwise sounds good, thanks for your efforts

13 Apr 18 15:36
Navy Seal

Do not you need help with regions disposition and Regions names from native people?!

13 Apr 18 16:18

Comeme el ojetee

13 Apr 18 16:18

I asked help around but if i ask everyone for wishes, than process can become to long and also some other people from that country can dislike it. Everyone who wants, can send me proposition for regions name. When i was not sure how to call some region, i used north/south/east/west/middle/central. But its not late yet for changes, you know number of regions for your contry, you can send propositions to me and it will be changed if its possible.

13 Apr 18 16:21

postovanje za ilju o7

13 Apr 18 16:32

Zašto Srbija nema osam regija ?

13 Apr 18 16:35

Objasnjeno je u prethodnom clanku. Napravljena je formula koja racuna broj aktivnih igraca u periodu od 3 nedelje i velicinu drzave u RL. Po tom kriterijumu Srbiji se zadesilo da zadrzi isti broj regija kao i do sad.

13 Apr 18 16:36

Is it possible that Serbia remained on the same number of regions? On what basis did you draw a new map? In the previous article, on the chart, we had a larger number of active people than some of the countries that will after update have as many as 2 regions more than before! South Africa has the same number of regions as Serbia, but they do not have active people in the state?! Is the RL surface the most important?

13 Apr 18 16:39

@Ilija Po prethodnom clanku koliko se secam nama je falilo 4 aktivnih igraca za maksimalni broj regija. Da li je moguce da je fokus na RL povrsinu? Kako mozete staviti isti broj regija drzavi koja ima 2 aktivna igraca i drzavi koja ima 50+ aktivnih igraca? Hocete li Kataloniju izbrisati sa mape ili Krim kao sto ste uradili sa KiM ili ce te teritorije biti +1 svojim drzavama?

13 Apr 18 16:43

Bolivija i Urugvaj po dve regije dobili, koji su tu kriterijumi ?

13 Apr 18 16:45
Navy Seal

Ilija - I will make article in 1-2 days about Georgian Regions and if Georgian people will accept it, you can use our version...

13 Apr 18 16:47

Falilo je 4 igraca za 8 regija. Za period u kom su radjeni proracuni, a za koji niko od igraca nije znao da se uzimaju podaci, situacija sa aktivnim igracima je bila takva. Posto ti potenciras sad pricu oko Juzne Afrike, ne mogu ja ili bilo ko od admina da crta iznova mapu kako neko migrira u igri. Ako ti igraci iz Juzne Afrike misle da ce dobiti lagane bonuse tako sto ce preci u susednu drzavu, grese mnogo. Regija KiM nije izbrisana sa mape, niti je ikad postojala u igri. Ne vidim zasto je toliko bitna 1 regija kada cete svakako i vi i drzave sa 8 originalnih regija imati isti procenat resursa u svojim regijama.

13 Apr 18 16:51

@papiga, Bolivija ima 14 puta vecu teritoriju od Srbije u RL, Urugvaj skoro 3 puta. @kaatinga its too late for those kind of changes. Drawing is finished, once we do changes on the borders and resources, its too late for drawing new regions.

13 Apr 18 16:56

You can send me suggestion until end of the weekend kaatinga, after that its impossible to get back on the drawing.

13 Apr 18 16:57
Navy Seal


13 Apr 18 16:58

@Ilija Nije bitna Afrika trenutno, vec razmisljanje admina. Jel moguce da drzave sa 3 aktivna coveka dobiju isti broj regija kao Srbija? Srbiju dajem kao primer jer sam trenutni CP i imam pravo na to. Zasto se Katalonija i Krim ne eliminisu sa mape kao sto ste uradili sa Kosovom? Koja je razlika izmedju Krima i Kosova ili Katalonije i Kosova? Nebitno je da li cemo imati isti broj resursa, jednostavno objasnite vasu odluku da Boliviji koja ima 2 aktivna igraca podignete broj regija, a Srbiji koja je medju najjaktivnijim drzavama ostavite isti broj, pritom oduzimate teritoriju koja je u ustavu nase drzave?

13 Apr 18 16:59

Ali urugvaj da ima regija kao rusija ili kanada recimo ako već potencirate površinu.

13 Apr 18 17:03

Imas objasnjenje u prethodnom clanku sa detaljima o formuli i broju aktivnih igraca svake drzave, velicini drzave u RL i koliko ti parametri uticu na dobijanje broja regija. Eto kad si se uhvatio Bolivije, drzava ima 14 puta vecu teritoriju od Srbije i 34 aktivna igraca(oni koji bar odrade rad i trening). Tako da je daleko od ovog sto ti pominjes.

13 Apr 18 17:09

Dobro ako cemo tako, sta je sa Urugvajem koji nema predsednika, ima 50 igraca ukupno, od toga verovatno nijedan aktivan. Oni dobili +2 regije?! Ja bih te zamolio da mi objasnis zasto Katalonija i Krim nemaju isti tretman kao Kosovo? Po cemu se razlikuju? Kome cete dati Krim, Ukrajini ili Rusiji? Neka svi imaju isti tretman !

13 Apr 18 17:11

btw, the table (in picture) should have been sorted by country name..

13 Apr 18 17:14

@SERBIAN TIGER Pogledaj prethodni clanak i videces broj aktivnih igraca u Urugvaju i teritoriju drzave, kao i podatke za svaku drugu drzavu. Ne mogu da pojedinacno komentarisem nesto sto je vec napisano tamo.Sto se tice regije za koje pitas, niti zelim, niti smem da komentarisem geo-politicku situaciju iz stvarnog zivota ovde u igrici. @Aridanra, yeah you are right, this one is sorted by number of changed regions. I will edit screens.

13 Apr 18 17:17

Druze jel si ti moderator, sta si ti? Ja kao obican igrac te pitam zasto Katalonija i Krim nemaju isti tretman kao Kosovo? Postavi ovo pitanje tvojim nadredjenim pa mi odgovori.

13 Apr 18 17:23

Zato sto ni Krim ni Katalonija u Ujedinjenim nacijama nisu dobile vecinsko priznanje nezavisnost. Za razliku od Kosova. Jasno je meni da se tebi to ne svidja, ni meni nije drago, ali neki kriterijum u administraciji igre mora da postoji.

13 Apr 18 17:24

Pocelo je sa kako to da Urugvaj i Bolivija imaju vise regija, pa spalo na to kako to da Urugvaj bez CPa ima vise regija, pa spalo na Kosovo Krim i Kataloniju... Ja moram da se prekrstim levom rukom jer ovolki debilizam odavno nisam video :D :D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D

13 Apr 18 17:25

Iskreno ne znam kada je neka promena nama donela nešto dobro.

13 Apr 18 17:26

When you add resources can you share the new version of map before the change?

13 Apr 18 17:26

@Krle Druze, prekrsti se ti i desnom rukom za svaki slucaj o/

13 Apr 18 17:28

No BosnianTurk, all of the players will have same treatment about that and we dont wanna risk situation when someone gets advantage cause of some possible knowledge of changes. Like last time when we changed resources, it will be same now.

13 Apr 18 17:44

U pravu si TIgre!!! Kosovo je Srbija! Katalonija je Spanija! Krim je Rusija! Pravda za Bavariju, Siciliju, Sjevernu Irsku Skotsku Wels Taiwan je Kina! I sta je sa pola miliona ne prijavljenih Kineza? aaa? Cutimo.

13 Apr 18 18:58

Kosovo is kosovo @rainy

13 Apr 18 19:17

@Ilija I didn t want it for myself, I want an article like this to publish them to the eWorld. So everyone will get the same treatment like you said.

13 Apr 18 20:00

Yo solo quiero el ataque aereo AS

13 Apr 18 21:38

To make it more interestng, just disable mpp/cpp/dow option from country administration 24 hours before the change. And cancel every dow/mpp with the change. So everybody will have to start from the beginning at the same time.

14 Apr 18 00:38
Tukang Cilok


14 Apr 18 01:11
El Tarlo

For occupied regions .... lots of RWs 24hrs before the change and add a special offer on ED and mortars ...

14 Apr 18 01:34

what do you think about this suggestion?

14 Apr 18 01:41

Can you please change the colors for the countries please? ;D

14 Apr 18 02:00

massaru +1

14 Apr 18 02:13

To make it more interestng, just disable mpp/cpp/dow option from country administration 24 hours before the change. And cancel EVERY dow/mpp with the change in every country. So everybody will have to start from the beginning at the same time. We need an equal chances so I agree with massaru.

14 Apr 18 02:35
Panda Killer

Papigu za CP o/

14 Apr 18 03:10
Panda Killer

Arika kolko poznata postala.... Ne moze se bez afrike ni u wc :D

14 Apr 18 03:15
Johan Rantzau

Remove all DoWs at the update and freeze LAWs for DoW 1 DAY BEFORE update. We all need to start from zero. And it would be good if you also delete all those MPPs in the update. The most fair way in my opinion so proxy countries ptoed by multies can not interfere in equal beginnings.

14 Apr 18 03:27

Good job! As for DoW-s, very simple: with the implementation of these changes cancel ALL wars already in effect, cancel all battles - including RW battles - and also cancel ALL DoW proposals being voted. Oh - please do not forget to add ONE FREE RELOCATION possibility for all military unit orgs.

14 Apr 18 03:36


14 Apr 18 03:57

bikkin +1

14 Apr 18 04:09

uaaaa, not fair

14 Apr 18 04:13

You atleast couldve sorted countries by starting letter

14 Apr 18 04:20
Aria hunter

why some powerful country like China, Iran and spain lost more region when they have a powerful player and many active player than other country that have a same power and less active player but still they have their region and some of them like Turkey,Argentina, Poland, Colombia, North Korea and other increase their region?

14 Apr 18 05:04
Yuu Otosaka

Hm. To make it fair you need to freeze laws and remove active DOWS and MPPs 1 day before update or something.

14 Apr 18 05:49

Zahtevam da se uzme u obzir teritorija Srbije za vreme Dusanovog carstva. Ako vam je vec do RL podela...

14 Apr 18 06:55

Every day we stray further away from reality.

14 Apr 18 07:05

gracias !!

14 Apr 18 07:21

No Comment on proposed changes. But, i do love the fact that you asked our opinions. What a breath of fresh air. :-) Thanks

14 Apr 18 08:18

ORG? Org locations?

14 Apr 18 09:45

Yes, what will happen to the organisations?

14 Apr 18 11:39
Robert E Lee


14 Apr 18 12:01
Senju Kenshin

has someone put this on gdoc plan? could this person share the link so i can do some math? TY

14 Apr 18 13:54

companies in this games are too expensive, ppl cant survive long time so they left... this game is going to die soon

14 Apr 18 18:20

I don t see Netherlands Caribean islands, why have they not been added?? And please add Surinam!

15 Apr 18 00:17


15 Apr 18 13:25