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tafsir lel game |

Published in Tunisia - First steps in eDominations - 0 - 26 Apr 17 06:44

awel 7aja lgame hethi mafehech taksir ras jemla ya3ni l9owa mte3ik just tji men lstrength mfamech 7keya o5ra w5bebel yomken mtefhemhech todhherlik s3iba mais ki tefhemha tl9aha sehla awel 7aja taba3 el missions :

Mission 1:Players need to keep up and progress their strength by training every day. Visit your workout area and train in order to take rewards
Workout area hiya l mant9a eli bech tetrena feha kol youm wta3tik strength w3andik banyet feha ta3mlelhom upgrade blgolds 7ata twasalhom Q4 max 
wl Workout raho stable m3neha kol Q yo93ed ya3tik f nafs l quantite mt3 strength kol youm la yon9es wla yzid m3neha meloul tebda b 5 wenti tala3 3la 7asb Q banya eli 3andik tl9ah :
My buildings-Workout area
hetha lien mt3 train
wken t7eb ta3ml upgrade temchi ahwki fama button building upgrade 3la jnab limin f workout area 

benesba lel 5edma ... l5edma ki lgames lkol mnaw3 hetha tl9aha f Job Market mba3ed mtpostoli fl 5edma tw ywali fama Daily assignments
heka y3awnik kol youm bech temchi te5dem wtetrena weli behi fl game hethi tnajim zeda te5dem l rou7ik wya3tyok meloul zouz chariket charika mt3 food Q5 wcharika mt3 Raws tnajim ta3ml offres bech ye5dmo 3ndik l3bed kima tnajim te5dem fihom enti wa7dek mara f nhar wfama l Houses yzidok f capacite mt3 el energy wzeda y5alyok tnajim t5edem martin f nhar 

Mission 2:A game without friends could never be fun. Meet people, share experience and fun - that is what matters. Add 5 friends to take your rewards

bech ta3ml add friend l wa7ed tod5el lel Profile mte3o wtahbet louta tw tl9a 3la jnab wa7da feha win klmet Friends ta7tha Views all  tnzel 3leha tatla3lik Add friends

Mission 3:Visit your account settings - describe yourself, choose appropriate avatar with which our world to recognize you. Change your avatar to take your rewards

mnetsawarch wa7ed mya3rafech kifech yod5el ybadel avatar mt3o tenzel 3la esmek 3la jnab tw to5rejlik Settings tod5lelha wtbadel l avatar

Mission 4:It is time to choose your first steps in business - produce food, weapons, houses or raw materials. Make your choice well - business is tricky thing. Create a company of your choice to receive the mission awards.

Hethi mission lzem temchi ta3ml Company temchi l My Buildings wmba3ed tod5el Companies wlfo9 3limin tw tl9a button ki t7et 3lih curseur y7otlik esmo Create a new Company 
tw tl9a l anwe3 lkol mt3 l companies e5tar eli ysa3dek

Mission 5:Every strong economy is based on strong labor efficiency. You can be twice productive every day by using house and resting for additional working day. And your work provide more resources and production. Use house in order to rest and work again.

deja terba7 mel mission eli 9balha house Q3 temchi tsta3mlo f My Buildings - Improved buildings

tw tl9a l house 9odemik just ta3malo activate wmba3ed temchi t3awed te5dem mara o5ra 5ater lhouse kima 9olna 9bal y5alik t3awed te5dem wzid ya3tik capacite akther mt3 energy

Mission 6:Every nation in this lands need a strong army. And strong army need people and organization to defend  the national interests. Join in a military unit to take your rewards.

deja bech na3mlo MU mba3ed ki nchedo dawla mtod5loch m3a lbaranin tounes l twansa lmohem el MU temchi lel Cmmunity tw tl9a Military Unit tod5ellha tw tl9a MUs lkol 

hethom aham 7ajet f jeu tw mba3ed nkaml l be9i fl jeu hethi fama 4 sle7at sle7 3adi Gunx2 sle7 tanksx3 sle7 Aircraftsx4 eli yetsan3o bl companies we5er 7aja Mortars whethom y yetchrew blgolds y te5ohom rewards myetba3och wmyetsan3och fama zeda sware5 eli homa 7aja special tcrafteha enti f Strategic buildings  whethi baniya enti ta3mlha bel golds wtawarha men Q1 lel Q5  wdmg mte3ik siwa bl asl7a wla bl sware5 ytzed kol mzidt fl strength wkol mazedet zeda fl ranks w lvl bl percentage kol mzedo hethom 3 strength,ranks,lvl kol mzedet dharba mte3ik 

behi el 7ajet eli tzidek f capacite mt3 el energys akahaw m3neha mthalan f 3odh tkon trfa3 500 twali tarfa3 600 w 650 wtosel 7ata 1400 awel 7aja eli hiya tetchre blgolds wtl9aha f store l hospitals wya3tiyok maximum 150 energy wyo93do dima myowfewech wtheni 7aja l Houses eli tnajim trakeb 5 menhom mais lmoda mte3hom 7 days akahaw m3neha tnajim trakeb Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5 m3ab3adhhom 
benesba lel 7ajet eli t3abi el energy fama el energy drinks techrihom mstore wte5hom rewards wfama el adrenaline dose tsana3ha enti fl Strategic buildings kima sware5 bl foods wkol mtzid ta3mlelha upgrade kol mtzid twali t3abi akther men Q1 lel Q5 wtetsna3 mara f nhar
wl energy tet3aba kol 6 MIN 10 energy

behi wtw wselna el e5er 7aja wli hiya beha lfayda eli hiya lgolds kifech najmo njibo golds f jeu hethi awel 7aja men lvl kol mtatla3 lvl te5o 1 golds theni 7aja fama medails:

Hard Worker: ki te5dem 30 days te5o 5 golds

Congress member : ki terba7 fl congress te5o 5 golds

Country president : ki terba7 wtwali ra2is te5o 5 golds 

Media Mogul : ki tawasel 100 sub f jarida mte3ik te5o5 golds

Battle hero : ki twasel a3la dmg fl battle te5o men3 golds lel 5 golds 

Resistance hero : ki ta3ml resistance war wtet7arer region eli 3mlt feha resistance te5o5 golds

Super soldier : ki twasel 250 strength kol mara te5o5 golds

Society builder :ki tjib 3bed twali te5o 10% ml golds mte3hom

True Patriot : hethi aham 7aja kol mtadhreb fl battles mt3 bledek wkol mta3ml quantite m3ayna mt3 dmg te5o 5 golds mthalan l quantite loula 24Progress:
0 / 80,000 wenti mechi kol mtfot wa7da tzid l quantite wtnajim tjib menha barcha golds

True Ally :whethi kifkif ama tadhreb m3a ally wte5o2.5 golds 

True revolutionary: whethi ki tadhreb fl revolution wars te5o 5 golds kol mtzid quantite mt3 dmg mais as3ab men True Patriot 5ater meloul lzmek twasel 200,000 mech 80,000

hetha eli najim na7kih tw ken nsit 7aja tw na7keha mara jeya wdsl ken l article da5el f 7it tw 5ater mazroub mara jeya ykon 5ir wnchallah tefhmo 



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