Interesting Facts About Mars |

Yayınlandığı yer Georgia - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 3 - 10 Aug 22 00:01
Mars has seasons
Yes, just like our home planet, Mars experiences a tilt in its axis, which causes it to experience a spring, summer, fall, and winter because the planet gets different amounts of sunlight on its surface as it orbits the sun. The seasons are roughly twice as long as the ones we have on Earth, but they do still happen! If you spring for a trip to Mars someday, you might just fall in love with the familiarity of the seasons. It’s just a little taste of home on an otherwise alien world!
Mars has weaker gravity than Earth
Mars has a diameter that is almost 3218 Km smaller than Earth’s, but the gravity on Mars is considerably weaker than what we feel here on Earth! In fact, it’s about 38% the gravity of Earth. What would that mean for astronauts or future Mars colonists? The weaker gravity would mean that we would have considerably less stress on our muscles and skeletal structures, and over time the bodies of the human visitors would evolve to need those structures less and less. Also, any trampolining done on the Martian surface would be incredibly fun!
Mars is TINY
Well, not compared to us as human beings, but in the grand scheme of our solar system, Mars is pretty small. It is less dense, less massive, and just plain smaller than our own Earth. It would take about 6 Mars’s to fill up the volume of Earth!
The year on Mars is quite long
On Earth, our year is 365 days. Mars has a year that lasts 687 days, which is almost twice as long as ours.
Mars has intense dust storms
This fact is sure to blow you away. Mars has dust storms fueled by sunshine! Yes, solar wind blows the red dust from the dry, arid Martian surface around and around, primarily originating from one deep crater where there was a large impact long ago.
Mars is the only planet in the universe completely inhabited by robots
That’s right, there are four rovers that make up the known population of Mars. Sojourner, Opportunity, Spirit, and Curiosity were all sent to explore and take samples and pictures of Martian soil, air, and possible life. While only Curiosity and Opportunity are still active, all four remain on the surface of the Red Planet. We may be reunited with them someday if we travel to Mars, and I for one welcome our future robot overlords.
Almost all water on Mars today exists as ice, though it also exists in small quantities as vapor in the atmosphere. What was thought to be low-volume liquid brines in shallow Martian soil, also called recurrent slope lineae, may be grains of flowing sand and dust slipping downhill to make dark streaks.


GEORGIANGEORGIANJerry The Mousetavi29visatorSten HavenSten HavenLucianKosingas

Yorumlar (3)

10 Aug 22 01:34


10 Aug 22 12:47

Good job, bravo !!!

11 Aug 22 00:22
the player
