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[WMA] Meet the players: JustitiarulRoman |

Published in Germany - Social interactions and entertainment - 11 - 06 Jul 21 00:18


NordwindlHadeslUndeadJohn DoezerogrozavuIonutOIonutOIonutOIonutOIonutOIonutOIonutOJoerxMistiQMistiQGaladraelalcideGEORGIANT1TANAntimonAntimonAntimonAntimonAntimonAntimonAntimonAntimonAntimonAntimonSaferSaferAntimonBAD MONKEmartinkomartinkoAntimonAntimonE HartmannDellexDellexDellexDellexBosniakTurkBosniakTurkBosniakTurkBosniakTurkBosniakTurkBosniakTurkDellexDellexDellexDellex

Comments (11)

06 Jul 21 00:31

Hehe you are welcome mate. Good job on defending the bonuses, we had enjoyable campaign. No matter it stayed in the shadow becasue both countries decided not to talk on feeds but if we count the damage in the past 3 weeks from both sides we did one of the top wars so far. Cheers and good luck

06 Jul 21 01:12
Judy Alvarez

JustitiarulRoman with a strong sense of justice: :P cheers mate!

06 Jul 21 03:11

Chapeau !

07 Jul 21 00:09

La prueba irrefutable

07 Jul 21 01:55

Para cuando entrevista al gran Cid Owneador???

07 Jul 21 03:04
E Hartmann


07 Jul 21 03:18
the player


07 Jul 21 03:45

All my respect!

07 Jul 21 09:19

I am hurt, been here since day one and nobody ever offered to interview me. I Guess i am just Not that interesting. (sticks tongue out and then moons the whole world)

07 Jul 21 09:30

Very well put, i liked ALL your answers. Justice and Honesty are the only way to be whether it be a game or RL. We must all remember that Justice is a thing we will all be judged on someday. And besides, if you do what your heart knows is right, you sleep the sleep of the just. I have a saying, :If you make those around you feel happy and good, you will also:

07 Jul 21 20:09
Winston Hopeless Smith

Love the article sponsor :P