The story of Shahnameh (3) |

Published in Iran - Social interactions and entertainment - 1 - 13 Mar 23 00:18

Zahhak reigned for a thousand years and this time was one of the worst times in Iran, when the wise fell into seclusion and the ignorant were everywhere. demons also opened their hands everywhere and They spread evil everywhere. Jamshid had two sisters, Shahranaz and Arnawaz, whom Zahhak took from him. In addition, they killed two young men every day and gave their brains to the king.At this time, two pure-bred men named Ermail and Karmail decided to go to the king under the title of cook, so that maybe he could do something for them. Their trick was that they took the brain of a young man and mixed it with the brain of a sheep and saved another young man from death, and in this way 30 men were saved from death every month, and when their number reached 200, the cooks gave them some sheep and They sent them to the desert so that no one would touch them.
Meanwhile, Zahhak was still busy with his luxury and for fun, he always ordered one of the war men to wrestle with a demons or chose beautiful girls. Time was passing and there were about forty years left until the end of his reign. One night, he dreamed that three experienced warriors, one of whom was younger, were coming to the battle of Zahhak, and he hit the young man with a mace on his head, and he fled to Damavand, and they were still looking for him, and finally he They killed him and he jumped up from his sleep and screamed. Zahhak refused to tell his dream, but his servants insisted and finally he had to tell the story.They consoled him and said: Summon the diviners and astrologers to interpret your dream. The king liked their opinion. Mobdan came and investigated, but they were afraid to tell the truth and the king would be angry with them. Finally, one of them told the king that the end of everything is death, and you will not be on the throne forever, and after you, a person named Afridon will sit on the throne, although he has not been born yet. Zahhak asked: What enmity does he have with me? Mubad answered: He is your enemy because of his fathers revenge that you killed him. When Zahhak heard these words, he lost consciousness from fear and from then on he was looking for Fereydoun everywhere and looking for him to kill him. 

A translator was used to write the story.

ضحاک هزار سال پادشاهی کرد و این زمان جزو بدترین دوران ایران بود که فرزانگان به کنج عزلت افتاده و جاهلان همه‌جا بودند. دیوان هم دستشان در همه‌جا باز شد و همه‌جا تخم بدی می‌ریختند. جمشید دو خواهر داشت به نام‌های شهرناز و ارنواز که ضحاک آن‌ها را از آن خود کرد.علاوه برآن هرروز دو مرد جوان را کشته و مغزشان را به شاه می‌دادند.

در این زمان دو مرد پاک‌نژاد به نام‌های ارمایل و کرمایل تصمیم گرفتند که تحت عنوان آشپز نزد شاه روند تا شاید کاری از دستشان ساخته باشد. حیله آن‌ها این بود که مغز سر یک جوان را گرفته با مغز سر گوسفندی می‌آمیختند و جوان دیگر را از مرگ می‌رهانیدند و بدین‌سان هرماه سی مرد از مرگ نجات می‌یافت و وقتی تعدادشان به دویست رسید آشپزان به آن‌ها چند بز و میش داده و آن‌ها را روانه صحرا می‌کردند تا کسی به آن‌ها دست نیابد.

در این حال ضحاک همچنان به عیش و عشرت خود مشغول بود و برای تفریح به یکی از مردان جنگی همیشه دستور می‌داد که با دیو کشتی بگیرد و یا دختران زیبارو را انتخاب می‌کرد. زمان سپری می‌شد و حدود چهل سال تا پایان پادشاهیش مانده بود شبی خواب دید سه مرد جنگی کارآزموده که یکی جوان‌تر بود به جنگ ضحاک می‌آیند و جوان گرز را به سر او می‌کوبد و او تا دماوند گریخت و آن‌ها نیز همچنان به دنبالش بودند و بالاخره او را کشتند و او از خواب پرید و فریاد کشید.ضحاک از گفتن خوابش خودداری می کرد اما خدمتکارانش پافشاری می‌کردند و بالاخره مجبور شد داستان را تعریف کند.آنها او را دلداری دادند و گفتند : موبدان و ستاره شناسان را احضار کن تا خوابت را تعبیر کنند. شاه نظر انها را پسندید. موبدان آمدند و تفحص کردند اما می‌ترسیدند حقیقت را بگویند و شاه به آنان خشم گیرد. بالاخره یکی از آن‌ها به شاه گفت که عاقبت همه مرگ است و تو هم همیشه بر تخت نخواهی بود و بعد از تو شخصی به نام آفریدون به تخت می‌نشیند البته او هنوز به دنیا نیامده است. ضحاک پرسید : او چه دشمنی با من دارد ؟ موبد پاسخ داد: او به کینخواهی پدرش که تو او را کشتی با تو دشمن است. ضحاک وقتی این سخنان را شنید از ترس از هوش رفت و از آن به بعد همه‌جا سراغ فریدون را می‌گرفت و به دنبال او می‌گشت تا او را بکشد.

Part 1 of the story

Part 2 of the story



Comments (1)

13 Mar 23 00:45
